Cardiac First Responder (CPR/AED)

This half day fully certified course is designed to train learners in CPR and in the use of an AED to respond to someone who has suddenly collapsed . In Ireland 5,000 people die every year due to Cardiac Arrest.

Course Content

• Patient Assessment
• Adult CPR
• Child CPR
• Infant CPR
• Use of Face Mask Barrier Devices
• Automated External Defibrillator - AED
• Recovery (safe airway) Position
• Adult Choking - Conscious and Unconscious
• Child Choking - Conscious and Unconscious
• Infant Choking - Conscious and Unconscious
• Airway Obstruction Adult, Child, and Infant
• Heart Attack
• Stroke
• Infection Control
• Handover and Documentation
• Critical Incident Stress Management

Certification: Certificate is valid for two years